Thursday, 27 January 2011

Gone by Michael Grant

Delightfully Dark and Sinister.
This dark and eerie dystopia was a real treat. Imagine a normal day and a normal town and then everything changes in the blink of an eye.
This is the setting of Gone.
Cleverly written, well characterised and applauded by Stephen King himself this indeed is a must read. In fact the whole American Gothic undertones were a beautiful homage to King what with its inclusion of shacks, mining towns, mutants, nuclear power plants, and talking koyotes.
I found this compulsive and an interesting exploration of a what if.... nightmare.
For all of those needing a read after the wonderment of Hunger Games, this is the perfect book. I'm rushing out this weekend to buy the other two in the trilogy and will be raving about this to my class.
Rating 4.5/5

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