Thursday 14 February 2013

Alternative Book Crushes


I've seen quite a few posts on fictional book crushes this year. (Indeed I did my own post on this last year) Most of them cover the same old characters, Heathcliff, Darcy, Edward Cullen, Daniel Grigori etc, etc (which of course we all agree are handsome as ....) However, I set about thinking about some of the slightly quirkier male characters that are sometimes over looked on this day of misty, handsome romance; characters that really bring a book to life, help us fall in love with a story and stay with us long after the final page has been read.  Here are my Top 5 Alternative Book Crushes. I'd love you to join in the discussion and reveal your own quirky, secret little crushes.

5: Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) - Well this picture certainly helps my case on this one, although, believe it or not, I haven't actually seen a single episode yet. I'm waiting for the hubby to get the box set from work. So Jon Snow, a strange choice you might think at first. It could of course be his black watch outfit that makes him instantly black-clad-handsome. (It's amazing what a full head to toe black outfit can do to a woman - think Edward Scissor Hands, Hamlet etc) And if the outfit wasn't cute enough, he also has his own wolf, Ghost and a sword. And as you know, I do love a man with a sword.

4: Charlie Swan (Twilight) - Who doesn't love Charlie? The handle bar moustache, trade mark of the alpha-male is enough to make any lady swoon. So what else is it about Charlie Swan that makes him so cute? His love for his daughter, his ability to guide her and protect her is certainly a strong + point, but it's Charlie's ability to accept Bella for whoever (whatever) she is that makes me just melt.

3: Lord Asriel (His Dark Materials Trilogy: Northern Lights aka The Golden Compass)
Intelligent, worldly, rebellious and totally capable. He is described as being "a tall man with powerful shoulders, a fierce dark face, and eyes that seem to flash and glitter with savage laughter." 
As well as being incredibly well read, he has also led armies. His deamon is a snow-leopard, which to be fair, would give Jon Snow a run for his money as far as accessories go.
2: Steerpike (Gormanghast Chronicles) Incredibly intelligent, manpulative and willing to justify any means to get what he wants. Steerpike is compelling. Despite all his wickedness you can't help but admire him - even maybe wish to be a little more like him.

1: Professor Severus Snape (Harry Potter) - now whether it's the written character or just my slight love of Alan Rickman, it's a bit difficult to tell, but whatever the reason, Severus Snape is quite frankly delicious. Who wouldn't want to sit in his classroom, mooning at all his broody, tortured darkness? And Dark Arts, man - that's got to bode well for his levels of aesthetic appreciation.
Severus Snape is also completely endearing because he is at his stony heart, a true romantic.

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