Monday, 15 December 2014

New Year Writer Resolutions

In light of the whole Facebook / Amazon craziness that has been going on over the last six months, I am making some New Year writer resolutions. Primarily, they involve going back to old school. Here are my sketchy plans, 

1) to free myself from the dominance of Amazon by freeing myself of all KDP select ties. The promotions have not reaped the harvest they promised; not at theprice of exclusivity.

2) to revisit, grow and nurture my Smashwords account - this was an amazingly good platform for me in the early days; I used it to experiment with shorts of different genres, keep my writing fresh and feed readers kindles with freebies and newbies. Going to learn to format my books according to the guide - which is a bit of a shitter.

3) To ensure that I have exploited as many digital platforms as possible, using Draft2digital to make it easier in first instance.

4) I am going to be bold enough to ask for book signings in my local bookstores.

5) I am going to spend more time writing and a lot less time promoting.

6) I am going to totally cull my Twitter account because somewhere amongst the madness I have lost my true circle of friends and fans - my timeline is so cluttered with strangers (lovely though I'm sure they are)

7) I am going to keep my blog full of lovely spotlights and intros of some of the great people I meet on here; I am going to nurture a supportive, cross promotional relationship. I am going to buy your books, review them and cheerlead.

There will be more - but in essence, I'm going to look back to move forwards. 2015 is going to be amazing. 

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