Monday, 26 December 2016

10 Goals for 2017

So here's to the new year; may 2017 be a lot more full of positivity than 2016, which has been a gruelling year for many of us. It's traditional to set resolutions at the end of the old year but I've never been very good at resolutions; it's almost as if making something a resolution curses it. 

This year I am all for goals - and smashing them. That's how I feel about 2017; it's going to be full o energy, accomplishments and goal smashing. So here are my 2017 goals, which I'm setting down here more for my reference than your probable curiosity LOL 
  • Finish The Crow Man for an April publication. My first adult horror title. A psycho-sexual, insanity horror story set in the 1950's exploring the theory of Monarch programming and women in 1950's society. Dark, twisted and graphic, this book has really taken it out of me and I am struggling to finish the last 10-20k words due to the shadows it casts on my soul -- but it will be finished. 

  • Finish Angelicus for a May / June publication. Book 4 in The Meadowsweet Chronicles - a planned 7 book paranormal / occult upper YA series. Modern Witchcraft, ghosts, poltergeists, magic, demons, angels, headless huntsmen and all other manner of ancient folklore, fairytales and paranormal deliciousness. It is 1/3 written, all planned out and ready to be finished. 

  • Have a full table at UTOPiA con, Nashville. This will be the third year I am attending UTOPiA in Nashville. It was meant to be a once in a lifetime kind of deal, but somehow, I keep pressing that buy table ticket. This year, I am hoping to have a full table mostly because I can barely fit all my titles onto a half table any longer, and secondly because I am having guest author hosts who are going to help me out with my table this year. How exciting is that! 

  • Hold an awesome 2 day author conference and public signing event in August. Chapter.Con 2017 is my baby and I am so excited about it. After spending far too many years scribing all alone in the UK, I am bringing over the USA model of author, blogger and reader conventions to the UK; a chance for authors, bloggers and readers to get together and spend some serious quality time talking about publishing, authoring, blogging, social media and all things books,  as well as networking, sharing resources, making friends and also selling some books in an exciting public signing. I am touched how many international authors are already signed up to this very special event. If you're interested, you can find out more at 

  • Grow my newsletter to 2.5k subscribers with a 30-40% open rate. I've shied away from newsletters for a long time - I wasn't sure that I had anything to say - but I've realised after the amaze-balls year that 2016 has been in many ways, I have loads to say and share with readers. It's also a really great way to give back to a reading community, which has supported me over the last 10 years. The newsletter is a way of sharing other great authors in my community, introducing my readers to fab new reads, but it's also a way for me to easily spoil my readers. For example, I am giving 500 subscribers a free eBook copy of 'When Sorrows Come' via instafreebie at the minute, and also a chance to win a paperback edition of the award nominated book. The newsletter also contains a Three Free Book Roll, which links subscribers to three fabulous free quality reads. If you'd like to join the party, you can do so here 

  • Get this blog organised. This is one of my main goals for 2017. I want to make this blog consistent in its material, creating a clear pattern of posts depending on day, for example, 'Folklore Thursday' and 'Fan Girl Friday' - the idea of this is that you, as readers know exactly when to hit my blog to meet your needs. If it's free books you want, then Mondays, if it's folklore info, it's Thursday etc. 

  • Do more public signings. I've done Leeds, Nashville and Glasgow this year and its taught me one thing - I really love meeting readers and bloggers in the flesh. There's nothing beats having a conversation with fellow book lovers. I've got some great events lined up this year and I can't wait. 

  • Complete NaNoWriMo. This year, I crashed and burned - actually that's not true at all, I didn't even start the car. For the first year in five years, I didn't do NaNoWriMo and the reason why was because of really poor time management - this year, that won't happen. I have to ensure that I am protecting my own creative writing time as well as giving to a community that I love.  

  • Get Fitter and Healthier. Last year, I had a really good run from February to July I was super healthy. I had made a commitment and I thought I had passed the habit forming zone -- alas, due to a whole heap of excuses (and legitimate reasons) I gave up on the lot of it. I had built going to the gym 3 times a week into my schedule, I was doing mindfulness for at least 10 minutes a day. I lost that annoying stubborn stone and a half and I was feeling great - and then I hit a wall and rather than climb up it, I slumped down it and sat on the floor at the bottom of it, stuffing my face with comfort cheese. No more. I'm back on it --- just as soon as.... LOL. 


    1. You have some great goals there. See you at Utopia 2017. As for writing and other things let's chat. I have a few suggestions to keep you on track!

    2. The Crow Man looks good. Finish it quickly so I can read it!

      1. Hahahah - I will do my very best. It's a really dark write so I have to be careful to self-care through it. I really don't know how King does it --- well, I guess we do, the result was The Shining. :)
