Wednesday, 18 January 2017

10 Albums that were the backdrop to my teenage years.

I am currently working on a novella for WaWa Productions and their LOVE IN THE...  book project
. It will be out at the end of 2017 and will be a box set of novellas, with each one being a year from a specific decade. The decade I am writing is the 1990's, and the year that I have is 1997 (the year I was just 17 years old)

The other exciting element to these novella box sets is that each novella is titled with a song title that was topping that year's charts.

Selecting a song title was tough in some ways, and then again, in others, it was a no brainer. That spring, summer and autumn was completely monopolised by the song 'Love Fool' by the fabulous band, The Cardigans. If you've not heard it -- then here it is.

As a result of immersing myself back into my 1990's youth, it got me to thinking about the music that really influenced me at that time. I thought I'd share with you the 10 albums that were most influential to me during my teenage years. It's a mixed bag with quite a few retrospective choices - but that was part of the 90's thing; there was a synergy between the present and the past in the arts, which really enriched my own teen experience.

So, without further ado, here is my list of teen albums that were most played and treasured in my single glazed, non centrally heated, incense filled, poster filled bedroom. I'd love for you to share yours.

1. Alanis Morrisette: Jagged Little Pill
2. Radiohead: The Bends 

3. The Doors: The Best of The Doors 
4. Annie Di Franco: Not So Soft
5. Kirsten Hirsh : Hips & Makers
6. Pink Floyd: Division Bell
7. Mazy Star: So Tonight That I May...
8. Mike Oldfield: Tubular Bells
9. Led Zeppelin: IV
10. Nirvana: Nevermind

And if the WaWa productions project has got you a little intrigued, The Love In The 80's series is out and available on Amazon.

iTunes link

Amazon Link


  1. What a clever title for a short novella. I did always like that song too. I still do.
    I have to say you did listen to a variety of music. I think it's good to have a mix. I was 12 years old in 1997 and I liked a lot of music. Having older brothers music was always on during the weekend and I was exposed to Iron Maiden, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers, Feeder and other musicial styles as well as my love for Take That and Backstreet boys lol.

    1. That's quite a mixture yourself LOL - I remember the days of Take That mania - retrospectively, I think they made some really good songs even though I didn't see it at the time -- I was waaaaaaay to serious LOL. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your music memories, too. I love music, it's a total passion - I just wish I could play an instrument; there's time yet. :)

    2. LOL. I love music too. I can't play an instrument either I'd love to play the piano and I did have to take music lessons at school. Well I wasn't very good in fact I was awful. My boyfriend Dan plays the piano and he can't read music but plays by ear. He is very good.
      What instrument would you learn then?
      I am glad I stopped by too I'd actually forgotton I could post comments on blogs lol.

    3. The piano and the guitar - it would be amazing to be able to songwrite.
